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Right to Housing Committee Meeting


ONE DC's Right to Housing committee supports long-time DC residents to fight against displacement and for safe and affordable housing. At ONE DC, we believe in the universal right to housing and land, regardless of income or wealth. We are made up of ONE DC members, staff, and new volunteers, and are responsible for directing and executing ONE DC's housing campaigns. Join us in building power across the District to achieve community control over land and housing. 

Join us every other Thursday at 6:30 PM at the Shaw office--614 S St NW-- to strategize, create and share popular and political education, conduct outreach to the community and take bold direct actions to build and secure community controlled alternatives like limited equity co-op housing and community land trusts. Food is served and all ages are welcome!



December 19, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8pm
ONE DC Office
614 S St NW
Carriage House in Back
Washington, DC 20001
United States
Google map and directions
Patrick Gregoire · · 202-232-2915
Daniel Ehrenberg

Will you come?