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ONE DC Freedom School

ONE DC Freedom School 2015 - Resisting State Violence - Saturday, July 18 - 12-4PM

What is state violence? How does it affect our lives? How is state violence manifested in our search for living wage, dignified work? What does resistance to state violence look like? Freedom School to include discussion, group breakouts and exercises, video, art, music, and fellowship with other ONE DC members.

**Exercise descriptions to be added soon!


Food & fellowship

Welcome to the space
ONE DC values
Shared agreements
Theme and agenda for the day

12:40-1:05 - Why do we do community learning

1:05 – 1:30 - What is state violence?

1:30 – 1:45 – What does economics have to do with us?

1:45 – 2:15 – Wage exploitation exercise

2:15 – 2:25 - Break

2:25 – 3:10 – Lissette & Claire
What does resistance to state violence look like? And why resist?
Ask the group which people/movements inspire them and why
Videos shown:

Bree Newsome Confederate Flag take-down:

New Era Windows Cooperative:

Intro to the Zapatistas:

3:10 – 3:20 – What is our movement?
Share People's Platform history, read the People's Platform manifesto together

3:20 – 3:55 – Upcoming action, with workforce development and DC jobs context

3:55-4:00 - Plus/deltas


ONE DC Freedom School 2014 - Solidarity Economy

Below are links to the videos we watched.