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First Ever Black Friday in DC

Walmart pushed its way into DC by offering good jobs for DC residents, even promising $13/hour wages. In December of last year, the first two stores opened up. Now, less than one year later, Walmart associates in DC are calling on the company to pay $15/hour and give consistent full-time hours.

ONE DC is calling on our members to stand with Walmart associates this Black Friday in saying "no more broken promises!" Walmart needs to provide living wage jobs with full-time hours, jobs that sustain families instead of keeping them mired in poverty. The Walton family, the controlling family of Walmart and owners of more wealth than 42% of American families, need to Respect DC!

What: Black Friday Protest and March on Walmart

When: Friday, November 28, 2014, 8:00 AM

Where: Meet at Columbus Circle in front of Union Station, 50 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20001

Why: To demand Walmart pay all their workers $15/hour and give consistent full-time hours!



Will you be there on Black Friday to stand with workers? Click here to RSVP
If you're not able to join us for in DC, check out for other events across the country or to plan your own.
There will also be a Thanksgiving Day action in DC at the Georgia Avenue Walmart

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